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Sarah Bernard Redkey Realty St Louis Mo


Starting a business is challenging enough, but when you’re also moving to a new home, things can get even more complicated. Balancing the demands of both tasks requires careful planning and organization. In this article shared with you courtesy of the Sarah Bernard Realty Team, we will discuss six key points to help you successfully start your business while moving to a new space that accommodates both living and remote working.

Keep your work supplies easily accessible

When packing for a move, it’s essential to keep your work supplies within easy reach. This includes essential documents, electronic devices, and any other

materials relevant to your business. Pack these items separately from your personal belongings and clearly label the boxes or containers. By doing so, you can quickly locate and access your work supplies amidst the chaos of moving, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations.

Keep your business team informed

If you have a team supporting your business, it’s crucial to keep them informed about your moving plans. Communicate your moving dates and any potential disruptions to your business operations. Edworking recommends assigning tasks and responsibilities to your team members to ensure that the business continues running smoothly during the move. Keeping everyone in the loop will help reduce stress and maintain productivity throughout the transition.

Select a home that has room for a workspace

When selecting a new home, prioritize finding a space that offers a comfortable and functional office area. A cramped or poorly lit workspace can negatively impact your productivity and overall well-being. Look for homes with ample natural light, sufficient square footage, and a layout that allows you to separate your living and working areas. By choosing a home with ideal office space, you’ll create an environment conducive to productivity and success.

Create a comprehensive to-do list suggests developing a master to-do list and calendar that outlines the tasks and deadlines associated with both your move and your business. This will help you stay organized, prioritize tasks, and allocate your time effectively. Break down larger tasks into smaller action items and set deadlines for each. Be sure to include both personal and professional obligations in your calendar to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Think about the layout of your new space

Before moving into your new home, take the time to plan the layout of your workspace. Consider factors such as lighting, ergonomics, and storage solutions. Determine where to place your desk, computer, and other essential equipment to optimize productivity. Additionally, think about how the layout of your new home will impact your daily routine and make adjustments as necessary to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Have a marketing plan in place To elevate your business, leverage technology and data to create personalized campaigns within a robust marketing strategy. This approach includes mastering digital marketing elements like Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Through effective SEO practices, you can boost your website’s visibility and digital presence, driving more organic traffic and enhancing search engine rankings. This leads to greater opportunities for customer acquisition and business growth. Focus on crafting high-quality content, fostering user engagement, and tailoring marketing materials for mobile platforms to further strengthen your SEO performance.

Head back to the classroom

When embarking on a business venture, particularly in fields like consulting or IT services, supplementing your journey with academic credentials can be highly beneficial. Engaging in the process for a Bachelor of Information Technology, pursued at your own pace, allows you to gain in-depth knowledge and credibility that can significantly enhance your service offerings. This educational path not only equips you with technical expertise but also demonstrates a commitment to your profession, which can be a key differentiator in a competitive market. Over time, this investment in education can yield dividends, paving the way for greater opportunities and business success. The best part: you can work in classes while you’re getting settled into your new home.

Starting a business and moving at the same time is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. However, by following the above tips, you can successfully navigate

this process and create an environment that supports both your personal and professional growth. Remember to keep your work supplies accessible, communicate with your team, choose a home with comfortable office space, create a comprehensive to-do list and calendar, use project scope management techniques, and consider the layout of your new space. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a thriving business while settling into your new home.

Ready to find the perfect home to start your own dream? Sarah Bernard Realty Team can help. Give us a call today at (314) 780-9070.

Additional resources:

clearly label the boxes

assigning tasks and responsibilities

with ample natural light

developing a master to-do list

such as lighting

leverage technology and data to create personalized campaigns

process for a Bachelor of Information Technology