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A look at the best Thanksgiving meals across the nation

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Trulia looked at the best cities for a Thanksgiving Feast. You know, just in case you can’t stand the thought of trekking to your crazy relative’s house for yet another “famous” casserole.

For most Americans, the annual Thanksgiving feast is all about homemade pie, special cranberry sauce, and a well-prepared turkey. Some boast of old family recipes, while others prefer readymade meals. Regardless, there is always contention over who makes the best Thanksgiving dish. To settle the debate, Trulia investigated which cities in the U.S. are truly the best places to induce the infamous Thanksgiving food coma.

To answer this important question, we identified the ingredients that are essential to a proper Thanksgiving meal. We then scoured our neighborhood amenities data, by way of Yelp, to find which cities have the most farmer’s markets, spice stores, grocery stores, meat shops, pumpkin patches, bakeries, and holiday decoration stores. We then layered on areas with the highest number of wild turkeys, according to data from USGS, to calculate our feast worthy cities.

No matter where you celebrate, we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with plenty of leftovers!