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Sarah Bernard Redkey Realty St Louis Mo


Curb appeal, curb appeal, curb appeal.

The phrase is often bandied about by home owners who are trying to sell their homes. But, what does curb appeal mean? It can be challenging to define curb appeal, and it’s not always easy to measure it either.

However, curb appeal matters more than we may think when selling.

Read on for a definition of what curb appeal means and how much it affects the sale of St. Louis real estate!

What is Curb Appeal?

Curb appeal is the look and feel of the home from the curb level. Curb appeal can be difficult to define precisely because it’s subjective.

Some people like to see a well-maintained lawn with evenly cut grass. Others prefer low-maintenance landscaping that requires less upkeep and time, such as rocks or gravel around the front entrance of your home.

How Much Does Curb Appeal Matter?

As you probably guessed, curb appeal matters more than you think! Studies show that curb appeal plays a vital role in how much you can ask for when selling.

If we look at the data, it’s clear that:

  • Homes with better views sell faster and for more
  • Landscaping plays a massive part in house saleability
  • Curb appeal affects how people feel about a home
  • People begin to form first impressions as soon as they pull up in front of your house.

It doesn’t take a lot to make a big difference in curb appeal (and homes lacking in curb appeal). According to REALTOR® Magazine, increasing curb attractiveness could increase the sale price by up to 7%! So here’s some good news – changes take minimal effort, yet they have a big impact on curb attraction.

St Louis Real Estate

St. Louis isn’t very different when it comes to curb appeal. If you live in St. Louis or St. Charles, then you already know this. The more you can do to your home, the better. If you can manage to do it cheaply and easily, even better. It’s a sellers market right now, so you have the advantage here.

St. Charles real estate tends to favor flowers and landscaping outside the property. In fact, St, Charles offers a beautification grant that has gone a long way to making curb appeal a staple in the city.

A home sale is never easy. There are always new trends that you can keep up with, but sometimes it’s best to simply go back to the basics of what buyers want. This includes looking at how much curb appeal matters when selling a home.

Curb Appeal Varies

Curb appeal is subjective and may vary from person to person; however, there are some basic things you can do (and avoid) if curb attractiveness matters when selling your home:

Don’t Neglect the Yard

Avoid dead plants or overgrown shrubbery. If need be, hire a neighborhood kid with mowing skills for $20-30 per week – worth it in terms of curb appeal and time saved.

Take Care of Flower Beds

Look into hiring someone who can take care of flower beds. This is especially important in our area where flowers are so appreciated.

Keep it Clean

Make sure the windows, doors, and house exterior are clean. Windows should be sparkling – no one wants to buy a home that looks like it needs window cleaner.

Look at Lighting

Don’t forget about exterior lighting either – try installing solar lights around the front door and porch for a warm welcome.

Improve the Walkway

Since buyers are already getting the first impression from the curb, think about adding an attractive walkway to your front door.

Don’t Forget about the Neighbors

Finally, look at what your neighbors are doing when it comes to curb appeal – avoid “ugly” power lines, broken fences, and cars that have been sitting outside for too long.

Experts at Hand

Our team will work with you to identify what is needed and then implement a plan that gets results! If you’re interested in St. Louis and St. Charles real estate, take a look at our website and contact the Sarah Bernard Realty Team now.