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Sarah Bernard Redkey Realty St Louis Mo


Whether you live in St. Louis, St. Charles County, or Innsbrook, consider if it’s time to sell your home. Selling St. Louis real estate isn’t always easy, but some times are better than others.

Be sure to consider the different seasons and your situation. That way, you can sell your home and get the best offer to help you move on to your next place.

Read on to learn more.

Best Season to Sell

For better or worse, some seasons are better for selling a house than others. If you can wait until the spring or summer, you may get more interest in your home. As buyers receive their tax refunds, they may have more money to spend on a home.

The summer can also be an excellent time to sell your home if you live in an area with a good school. Families may want to move during the summer so that their kids can start at school at the beginning of the school year.

While winter may not be as popular among families, it does has advantages – we highly suggest you consider selling in the winter. Not as many people are selling a house, so you may have less competition.

Of course, you may not always be super flexible with when you can sell your home. However, the more flexible you are, the more you can take advantage of the seasons.

Best Time for You

When looking to sell St. Louis real estate, you should consider your situation. One of the best reasons to sell a home is if you can’t handle being a home owner.

Maybe you no longer have the funds to pay for the mortgage and maintenance costs. You may need to downsize so that you can afford your living space.

Or perhaps you have completed a bunch of home renovations, and those increased your home value. This can be a great sign that you’re ready to list your home for sale.

You also might need to sell know if your life requires it. Whether you just got a new job in a different city, or you need a different home, selling can be a good decision.

Mortgage Rates

Another thing to consider when selling St. Charles real estate is the current mortgage rates. Even if you don’t plan to buy real estate, the rates can affect when you sell your home.

If rates are low, you may have an easier time attracting a buyer, even in a seller’s market. Then, you can get multiple offers and choose the best one when selling a house.

On the other hand, when mortgage rates are high, you may struggle to get buyers. You might get one or two offers, but your home may sit on the market a little longer.

Sure, some buyers are always going to qualify for better rates than others because of credit scores and other factors. But the better the rates are overall, the less you’ll have to work to sell your home.

Sell Your St. Louis Real Estate

If you’re ready to downsize, upsize, or simply move, consider selling your St. Louis real estate. Specifically, consider if it’s the right time for the whole market or your situation.

Then, you can make sure you get the best offer possible on your home. Soon enough, you’ll be able to move and find your next perfect home.

Are you ready to sell your home? Contact the Sarah Bernard Realty Team.