Office: 314-780-9070

Sarah Bernard Redkey Realty St Louis Mo


Working in real estate, I’ve found that a lot of people who’d like to sell their home dismiss the thought out of hand.

They believe that the one thing they don’t like about their house will prevent their home from getting the best price.

But I like making “lemons” into lemonade.

Like my client who lived in a lovely house…that backed up to a major thoroughfare. No one wants to buy a house next to a highway, right?

Wrong. I focused buyers on the beautiful view of Downtown Clayton right beyond the highway–so close, in fact, you could walk from the house to all the cute neighborhood shops and restaurants.

Sold fast.

So don’t count yourself out too soon. If you’re thinking of selling–even if you’re not yet ready to go on the market, let’s talk. I have a tall glass of ice cold lemonade waiting for you!